Open Banking Series Issue Two: Financial Inclusion

New from The Intelligence Centre, this issue of the open banking series focuses on financial inclusion; specifically, the significance and potential of open banking to improve financial inclusion and opportunities for credit unions.

Edelman Trust Barometer: Navigating a Polarized World

Report on the forces that impact public trust, based on online interviews with more than 32,000 respondents across 28 countries. The goal of the report is to gauge trust in business organizations, governments and the media.

Open Banking Series Issue One: An Introduction + System Overview

The first in a series of papers from The Intelligence Centre that explore what open banking is, how it is expected to impact credit unions and the emerging topics related to it. In Issue One: “An Introduction + System Overview” read a summary of what open banking is and explore the four frameworks that have shaped the development of open banking policies to date.

2022 Environmental Scan

The 2022 environmental scan from The Intelligence Centre examines five key considerations credit unions need to be aware of as they strategize for the future. Click on the download button to review this paper on the financial services industry.

Credit Unions and Women in Agriculture

In a new policy commentary from The Intelligence Centre, read on for insights into the current landscape of Canadian agriculture and women farmers, existing networks and conferences that support them, current Alberta credit union offerings, government efforts and opportunities for credit unions.

Retain talent with a better employee banking experience

Credit unions are member-focused organizations that offer personalized financial advice, products and services. But what happens when the employee is also the member? Read this report from The Intelligence Centre to learn more.

Seizing the New Member Opportunity Whitepaper

In this new research-based insight paper from The Intelligence Centre at Alberta Central, we aim to help credit unions understand the retail banking consumer in Alberta.