Where’s the boom? And the rise and fall of the Alberta Advantage

Despite record levels of oil revenue since mid-2021, the Alberta economy is not seeing an associated boom, as a smaller share of revenues is staying in the province. Instead, a greater share of revenues is being returned to shareholders, most of whom are foreigners, and a smaller share is reinvested into operations in the province. Read more from The Intelligence Centre.

The Alberta Advantage is melting away

In this economic report from The Intelligence Centre, a look at the rise in cost-of-living being experienced by Canadian households in recent years primarily led by inflation. This paper explores the provincial data and impact on Albertans who have seen the most significant underperformance in their purchasing power since 2019 of all Canadian provinces.

Federal Budget: Bigger deficits and no plan to balance the books

The 2023 Budget can be summarized as: bigger deficits in the coming years with no plans to balance the fiscal books. In this economic report from The Intelligence Centre, look at the deficit expectations for FY2023-24 based on the recently released Fall Economic Statement.

The great consumer squeeze

In this economic report from The Intelligence Centre, learn about the various shocks that are squeezing household budgets this year and the resulting need to cut down on spending or draw from savings to keep afloat.